Oi, mais uma vez! Queria dar início aos preparativos para o nosso Festival Internacional, aqui na EPABA. Neste ano letivo, o festival será em março de 2008.
The kids will learn a lot about this special Caribbean country. I am very excited and have begun planning for both our studies as well as the musical presentation. I would like to ask you to keep your eye out for anything you think might be of interest to the class. This can be anything from pictures or informational materials to artifacts or objects related to Cuba.
As crianças aprenderão muitas coisas sobre este país especial do Caribe. Estou ansioso e já comecei a planejar, tanto atividades de aprendizagem como uma apresentação musical. Gostaria de pedir-lhes para ficarem atentos a qualquer coisa que imaginem ser interessante para a sala de aula. Pode ser fotos, posters, materiais informativos ou objetos naturais de Cuba.
I am positive that with a lot of preparation, organization and good will, this year's study and celebration of Cuba will rank amongst the best!!
Talk to you all again soon,
Estou certo de que, com muita preparação, organização e um grande desejo, o estudo e a apresentação deste ano, sobre Cuba, serão os melhores!!
Em breve falarei com todos vocês de novo,
2 comentários:
Hi georg, this blog is a very good idea. Parabens!
When i lived in Italy, i worked for cubains musicians for a while. then i travel to Cuba, and get back with music but no object. they told me that there is not a lot of handcraft, Cuba is much more for music and cigars. I remember that there is a typical danse, that is dancing in group but i don't remenber the name. I will check. I have conga at home, because i worked for a percusionist: Ernettico (he live in italy).
This is the adress of my blogs. there is some photos of Arthus's birthday.
Bye and well done (the blog!)
Isabelle Aguiar (Arthus's mother)
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