Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
I am a Second Grade teacher at the PanAmerican School of Bahia. My students all call me George or Jujie which is a nickname I got after moving to Salvador. Our classroom is a dynamic, fun and hard-working place. Take some time to get to know us!!

sábado, 15 de março de 2008

A New Semester, Social Studies & Cuba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kids spent a good part of the third quarter learning about Cuba.
They learned about Fidel Castro's transition to power fifty years ago and we were all surprised to learn a day or so after we began our unit that Castro resigned as leader of Cuba. The children already knew the name of his succesor and brother, Raul Castro, because we had discussed that many people believed his brother was already making important decisions because of Fidel's failing health. The children were impressed to learn that he had been in power for so long especially when they reflected on their own and other international leaders. They also were intrigued that Castro's Cuba has had such an interesting and often unfriendly relationship to the United States. This was a marked departure from most of what they hear about the United States at our school.

As criances passaram boa parte deste terceiro periodo aprendendo sobre Cuba. Aprenderam sobre a transicao ao poder de Fidel Castro cinquenta anos atras e ficamos todos sorprendidos quando alguns dias depois de comecar os estudos que Castro renuncio o cargo de presidente de Cuba. Os alunos ja conheciam o nome do novo presidente que eh tambem o irmao de Fidel, Raul Castro. Ja tinhamos discutido que muitos achavam que tinha outros tomando decisoes importantes no governo porque a saude de Fidel parecia nao muito boa. As criancas ficaram impressionadas ao aprender um pouco da historia interesante e nao amigavel entre o Cuba de Fidel e os Estados Unidos. Foi muito diferente do que outros noticias que eles normalmente ouvem sobre os Estados Unidos em nossa escola.

Young Castro after his victory in the Cuban Revolution.
O jovem Castro depois da sua vitoria na Revolucao Cubana.
Castro today.
Castro hoje em dia.
Raul Castro

The children and I took another of our famous Google Earth field trips to various landmarks including the landmark fortress El Morro at the mouth of Havana's entry port. I told the children how chains would be extended across this entry from El Morro to La Punta, another fortress on the opposite side, to prevent pirates and other enemies from entering Havana.

Nos partimos de novo em um de nossos famosos excursoes no Google Earth para visitar varias lugares importantes em Cuba. Incluiu o forte marcante El Morro ubicado na boca do porto de Habana. Eu expliquei para as criancas que antigamente os cubanos esticavam correntes fortes e grandes do forte El Morro a outro, chamado La Punta que estava do outro lado, para impedir que piratas e outros enemigos entrassem na Havana.

We also visited and talked about the U.S. Naval Base and the region it is in, Guantanamo, but more as a reference for the children to the song they would be singing at the International Festival, Guantanamera.

Tambem visitamos e discutimos sobre a base naval americana e sobre a regiao na qual se encontra, Guantanamo mas era mais como referencia para as criancas a cancao que eles cantariam no jantar internacional, Guantanamera.

************************************************************************************************** An Encounter
Um Encontro

We also talked about Cuba's unique position in the history of the Western Hemisphere. They learned about Christopher Columbus' sense of adventure and courage in undertaking his famous first voyage across the Atlantic in search of an easier route to India and its precious spices.

Tambem falamos sobre a posicao unica que Cuba tem na historia do hemisferio occidental. Eles aprenderam sobre o espirito de aventura e a coragem de Cristovao Colombo de inventar fazer uma viagem na procura de uma ruta mais facil de chegar a India e acesar suas especiarias preciosas.

They learned that Cuba was the second island visited during the first of Columbus's four voyages to what would later be called the West Indies and to South and Central America. We discussed that it was on this voyage that he first encountered natives of the Taino tribes scattered throughout the islands of the Caribbean Sea.

Eles aprenderam que Cuba foi a segunda ilha visitada por Colombo nessa primeira de quatro viagens a o que depois serao chamadas das Indias Occidentais, America do Sur e America Central. Falamos que foi nessa primeira viagem que Colombo conheceu pela primeira vez os nativos Tainos que viviam espalhados em quase todas as ilhas do Mar Caribe.

They also learned that it was the natives that helped give Cuba its name. It was they who answered the inquisitive Spaniards when they asked where the natives had found their gold trinkets, by saying "cubanacan" which meant "in the center of the island."

Tambem os alunos souberam que foram os nativos que ajudaram a dar o nome que Cuba leva hoje. Foram eles que responderam aos espanhois curiosos por saber de onde tinham sacado o ouro que usavam como joias e decoracao, dizendo "cubanacan" que significava "no centro da ilha."

We also spent time discussing the negative impact the arriving Spaniards had on the native population and how their quest for riches, which caused them to enslave the natives as well as the diseases they brought with them from Europe against which the natives had no immunity, ended up decimating the natives. We also discussed how these events eventually influenced the arrival of African slaves to the island.
Tambem discutimos o impacto negativo que a chegada dos espanhois teve na populacao nativa e como o desejo forte dos espanhois para a riqueza que obrigou eles a escravizar os nativos tanto como as doencas que trouxeram contra as quais os nativos nao tinham imunidade, acabou decimando a populacao. Discutimos coma essa escassez de lavradores influenciou a chegada de escravos africanos a ilha.



The kids were reminded that Africans were forcibly brought to places like Cuba because the natives were dying or resisting working for the Spaniards and workers were needed for mining or agricultural purposes. Much as the children can see here in Salvador, there were elements of African cultures that arrived in Cuba with the slaves.

Eu fiz as criancas lembrarem que os africanos eram forcados a vir a lugares tal como Cuba porque os nativos ja tinha morrido ou resistiam trabalhar pelos espanhois e lavradores eram necesarios para trabalhar nas fazendas ou nas minas. Tal como aqui em Salvador, chegaram juntos aos escravos, elementos de culturas africanas.

I explained to the children that because the Spanish were so devoutly Catholic, they prohibited the slaves from openly worshipping their gods and goddesses. The Africans were forced to find a secret way to continue worshipping the deities they looked to for comfort and guidance and so in Cuba the practice of Lucumi or Santeria was born. What this practice involved was that the slaves would worship in Catholic churches and make references to Catholic saints but in truth they continued to worship their own gods and goddesses only now with a Catholic veneer. Chango, an African warrior god of thunder armed with an axe and dressed in red (shown above) would be called upon as Santa Barbara, a Catholic saint who also appeared with a sword and dressed in a red cape.

Eu expliquei para as criancas que o fato dos espanhois ser rigidamente catolico, eles proibiram os africanos a venerar os seus deuses e deusas. Os africanos eram obrigados a procurar uma forma segreda de continuar de venerar os seres divinos que eles procuravam para socorrer e orienta-los. E foi assim que nasceu em Cuba a pratica de Lucumi ou Santeria. O que surgiu foi que os escravos rezavam em igrejas catolicas e faziam referencias a santos catolicos mas na verdade eles continuavam venerando os seus deuses e deusas so com a diferenca de uma verniz mascara catolica. Chango, um deus guerreiro africano de trovao armado com um machado e vestido de vermelho (retratado acima) era chamado de Santa Barbara, uma santa catolica que tambem usava uma espada e uma capa vermelha.

Santa Barbara.

The children learned a famous Cuban song that makes mention of both Chango and St. Barbara, Que Viva Chango.

As criancas aprenderam uma cancao famosa en Cuba que faz referencia a ambos Chango e Santa Barbara, Que Viva Chango.

Yemaya, whose color is blue and who is an African goddess of the ocean.

Iemanja, que tem como cor representante azul e que eh uma deusa africana do oceano.

La Virgen de la Regla, a Cuban Our Lady often depicted dressed in blue and floating above the water. A popular story has her saving three sailors all named Juan.

A Virgem da Regua, uma Nossa Senhora de Cuba frecuentemente retratada vestida de azul e flutuando acima da agua. Uma historia popular a tem socorrendo tres marinheiros chamados todos de Juan.


Cuba Naturally
Cuba Naturalmente

We also spent a good amount of time exploring the flora and fauna of Cuba. Cuba at some point in time was connected to either South or Central America and after separating, the animals that remained on the island were related to animals found in both Americas and yet developed over time into unique species that are endemic to the island.

Tambem passamos um bom tempo estudando a flora e a fauna de Cuba. Cuba, milhoes de anos atras, estava conectado a ou America do Sul ou America Central e depois de separar, os animais que ficaram na ilha eram parentes de especies encontrado em ambos Americas mas que com o pasar do tempo viraram especies bem unicos e endemicos a ilha.

This Cuban frog is tied with a frog from the Amazon rainforest as being the smallest frogs in the whole world. They each measure only one centimeter. The Cuban frog is a recent discovery.

Esta ra esta empatado com uma da floresta amazonica pra ser a menor ra do mundo entero. Cada um deles so mede um centimetro. A ra cubana foi descoberta recentemente.

The Bee Hummingbird, the smallest bird in the Western Hemisphere and only found in Cuba.
O Beija-flor Abelha, o menor passarinho do hemisferio occidental e somente encontrado em Cuba.
The Cuban Jumping Crocodile. It propels itself out of the water to catch animals foraging in overhanging trees.

O Crocodrilo Cubano Pulante(?). Ele se propulsiona fora da agua para pegar animais se alimentando nos galhos de arvores a beira da agua.

Celia Cruz

Finally, we spent some time learning about the life and times of Celia Cruz, a Cuban singer with a unique life story and even more unique artistic style. She had an amazingly long and successful career. She only stopped performing when she was no longer able to get up on stage or into the studio which was only a year or so before her death in 2003. 200,000 people attended her wake in Miami. Celia was Cuban yet had many fans throughout Latin America and the world.

Finalmente pasamos tempo aprendendo sobre a vida de Celia Cruz, uma cantora cubana com uma historia unica e um estilo de artista ainda mais unica. Ela disfruto de uma carreira super longa e cheia de sucesso. Ela so parou de cantar quando no dava mais pra entrar no estudio para gravar ou para subir no palco e isso aconteceu mais ou menos um ano antes da morte dela em 2003. Duzentos mil pessoas foram ao velorio dela em Miami. Celia era cubana mas tinha fas em toda america latina e no mundo entero

The children really enjoyed her singing as well as her over the top style of dressing!!

As criancas gostaram muito dela cantando tanto como seu estilo exagerado de se vestir!!
It was a special pleasure of mine to help my students develop an appreciation of Celia Cruz because as an artist there are few that have enriched my life as much as she has. She was truly a queen.

Foi um prazer especial meu ajudar aos meus alunos desenvolver uma apreciacao de Celia Cruz porque entre artistas sao poucas que tem enriquecido a minha vida tanto quanto ela. Ele foi realmente uma rainha.
A big hug, Um forte abraco,


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